I have been faced with the lovely task of decorating 2000 square feet of riverside ancient house. Its daunting to say the least. You can't go all IKEA cheap'n'minimal. You can't (or at least I won't) do all over the top French or Queen Anne. It's a careful balance of clean yet historic. Period yet contemporary. Child accessible yet not looking like an in-home daycare. Oy.
I have many grandiose ideas that would work perfectly if it wasn't for that man I call my husband. A two thousand dollar bed frame is out of the question, and I have to say that the good little Mainer in me just won't allow it anyways. So I must conjure a full house decorated on a shoe string budget while satisfying my goal of creating a cohesive, functional, and aesthetically pleasing home. It is consuming my thoughts to say the very least.
There's a few other issues that one might have to overlook, such as raw crumbled plaster in a few places, Vines protruding into my Sun Porch, and a few Squirrel friends in the cavernous attic. However, I don't find these issues anything that elbow grease, hedge clippers, and a pellet gun can't fix. (relax animal lovers, I won't use a pellet gun...promise).

I will be updating the ol' blogster with my victories and forfeitures in the realm of interior design as I am certain there will a lot of both. In the next few days I will posting images from Highland House, and Yes, I have named my house.
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