"The Secret Life Of Plants"
by Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins
This book is a 1978 non-fiction about the crazy experiments on plants and their "personalities". It is also the name of a damn good Stevie Wonder album.

"Paris Underground" (2005) By Caroline Archer and Alexandre Parre'
A crazy dope non-fiction pictorial book about the history of the art ridden tunnel complex under Paris. It interests the history buffs and the street art crowd.

"The Organic Suburbanite: An Environmentally Friendly Way To Live The American Dream"
By Warren Schultz...The way we live our lives and run our home are heavily influenced by the American Dream and its ideals. This book brings it all into perspective to give us some tips to alleviate the tread on the earth.

An excellent non-fiction novel that I picked up in an old resale book shop..."Waiting by Ha Jin"
It's a simple tale of a Chinese military officer caught between two worlds (and obviously two chicks) during the beginning of the Socialist Government in China.

AND FINALLY...My Number One Recommendation for EVERYONE...
"The Wu Manual" by the RZA
I bought this book for an old boyfriend at his request and I would soon find myself being read bedtime stories from this ultra handy manual. It includes everything from how to wear your pants,to explaining Wu Tang lyrics, all according to the RZA...PRICELESS! I bought it at the same time as I bought the "Organic Suburbanite"...quite the Juxtaposition...read it...don't judge.
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